The ACT Fund (Crab Crew) is 100% funded by donations. Your valuable contribution ensures:
Funding of salaries of the teacher aider (K-5th)
Accelerated Reader Program
Teacher supplies and special needs
School beautification
Organize and execute events and activities throughout the year
We kindly suggest a $330 contribution per child, per school year.

As a Miami-Dade County Public School, Henry S. West Laboratory School has a mandatory uniform policy. Uniforms are to be worn Monday through Friday. The school spirit or Crab Crew t-shirts are encouraged on Wednesdays, but are not mandatory. However, school spirit t-shirts are mandatory for off-campus field trips.
Elementary School - Orange or white polo style shirt with the embroidered school logo. Navy blue polo style dress also available.
Middle School - Green polo style shirts with embroidered school logo
School appropriate skirts, Bermuda shorts (long shorts), or pants in khaki or navy blue. May be purchased in the uniform section of any store. NO LEGGINGS or JEANS (except for dress your way days - see below)
Sneakers or any shoe that is ‘closed toe’ with a closed back. NO SANDALS, MULES or SLIDES.
Dress Your Way:
On the first and third Friday of each month, students may come to school out of uniform for “dress your way” – ticket purchase required on PTO website (lists are provided to teachers). Adhering to the appropriate school dress code is required.
Questions? Email: