The ACT Fund (Crab Crew) is 100% funded by donations. Your valuable contribution ensures:
Funding of salaries of the teacher aider (K-5th)
Accelerated Reader Program
Teacher supplies and special needs
School beautification
Organize and execute events and activities throughout the year
We kindly suggest a $330 contribution per child, per school year.

PTO WEBSITE: www.westlabpto.org is the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) website. Here is where you can find everything that is happening at the school. You can buy uniforms, tickets, sign up for after school clubs and see the calendar of events here. It has a lot of information and should be your first main resource.
NEWSLETTER: To stay up to date on everything happening at school, sign up for our weekly PEN newsletter at www.westlabpto.org/pen. The newsletter is sent out every Sunday night during the school year and includes all the latest information. Over the summer, newsletters are sent out with important updates. If you don't receive it, check your spam folder, and past issues can be found on the site under the archives.
Follow the PTO on Instagram for reminders and event info: @westlab.pto
Follow the school on Twitter: www.twitter.com/westlabschool
Uniforms are sold on our webpage: www.westlabpto.org/store
You can fill out our uniform survey on the uniform store just so we can have an idea of stock needs
Uniform policy can be seen on that page as well
Uniforms will be available for sale on July 1, 2024
Uniform pick-up dates will be announced in the PEN Newsletter
For uniform questions, email: westlabuniforms@gmail.com
NEW FAMILY PICNIC: Before school starts we'll welcome everyone on campus so you can meet eachother and get the kids familiar with one another. This will be held some time in August 2024 before school begins. Date will be announced in the PEN Newsletter, so subscribe today!
SCHOOL EVENTS: All parents who wish to attend on-campus events must sign up in the MDCPS Raptor system for level 1 volunteering status. We suggest you do this on August 16, 2024 so it will count for the 2024-2025 school year: www.bit.ly/westlabraptor
SCHOOL SUPPLY LISTS: In August, basic supply lists for each grade will be announced in the PEN Newsletter. Teacher specific lists will their own needs for the class will be sent home the first week of school.
AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM: YMCA provides before and after school care at West Lab for our students. Registration opens in August. Parents need to check their website for updates since everything runs through them: www.ymcasouthflorida.org
JOIN THE CRAB CREW: Crab Crew donations to the PTO benefit the whole school- all students, teachers, and staff. The Crab Crew allows the PTO to cover the salary of our amazing teacher aids that help our teachers and students succeed. To learn more, visit: www.westlabpto.org/crabcrew Fundraising will begin in August 2024.
For general PTO questions, email: westlabinfo@gmail.com